Car insurance Netherlands

It is mandatory to have at least a WA-coverage if you own a car in the Netherlands. We compare over 20 Dutch car insurance companies.

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Cheapest car insurance in March 2025

Below, you’ll find the most affordable car insurance options available in our comparison tool. Compare different car insurance policies to find the cheapest option for your situation.

beweeg de tabel van links naar rechts
InsurerMontly premiumBasic coverage Deductable
FBTOFBTO€30,37WA (third-party liability)€0,00
OhraOhra€33,37WA (third-party liability)€0,00
Allianz DirectAllianz Direct€34,51WA (third-party liability)€0,00
FBTOFBTO€32,93WA beperkt casco (third-party liability + limited cover)€0,00
FBTOFBTO€33,28WA beperkt casco (third-party liability + limited cover)€0,00
Allianz DirectAllianz Direct€35,53WA beperkt casco (third-party liability + limited cover)€0,00
€47,35All risk (third-party liability + comprehensive cover)€150,00
Allianz DirectAllianz Direct€50,31All risk (third-party liability + comprehensive cover)€0,00
FBTOFBTO€52,05All risk (third-party liability + comprehensive cover)€0,00

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Mandatory to have car insurance

Owning a car in the Netherlands means you’re legally required to have car insurance. At, you can compare the policies from over 17 Dutch car insurers to find the best deal. Our user-friendly comparison tool helps you to quickly and easily explore your options.

Whether you’re insuring a new vehicle or looking for a better deal compared to your current provider’s renewal offer, we make finding affordable car insurance simple.

What do you need for car insurance in The Netherlands?

To take out car insurance in the Netherlands, you’ll need the following:

  • You must live in the Netherlands.
  • Your license must be recognized within the European Union.
  • Your car must be registered with a Dutch license number.
auto checklist

See how much you can save on your car insurance

  • Compare by price and quality
  • 100% independent
  • Save an average of €290 a year

Overview car insurance coverages

In the Netherlands, it is mandatory for all cars to have at least third-party liability insurance. This insurance (called WA-verzekering in Dutch) covers damages inflicted with your own car to other people and their property. More comprehensive coverages (called WA beperkt casco and all risk in Dutch) are also an option.

The differences are explained below:

  • WA (third-party liability)

    WA coverage covers damages you cause to other people or their property with your car.
    • Damage to others
    • Theft or burglary
    • Window damage
    • Storm and fire damage
    • Damage caused by your own actions
    • Vandalism
  • WA beperkt casco (third-party liability + limited cover)

    The WA beperkt casco insurance covers the same as WA coverage plus damage caused by circumstances beyond your control.
    • Damage to others
    • Theft or burglary
    • Window damage
    • Storm and fire damage
    • Damage caused by your own actions
    • Vandalism
  • All risk (third-party liability + comprehensive cover)

    The all risk insurance is the most comprehensive option. It covers damages to other cars and almost all damages to your own car.
    • Damage to others
    • Theft or burglary
    • Window damage
    • Stormschade en brandschade
    • Damage caused by your own actions
    • Vandalism
  • Special coverage options

    In addition to standard add-ons, you can choose from several special coverage options tailored to your needs. Here’s how they can benefit you:

    How to compare car insurance in 5 steps

    Car insurers offer a variety of policies with different conditions, coverages, and premiums. By comparing your options, you can find a policy that fits your needs and budget.

    Follow this step-by-step guide to find the right car insurance in just a few minutes. The comparison tool will display the cheapest option for your situation at the top.

    1. Step 1

      Enter your details

      Start by providing your license plate, postal code, and date of birth. These details help us match you with policies that suit your car and personal circumstances.

    2. Step 2

      Add your no-claim years

      Enter the number of no-claim years you’ve earned. If you’re unsure, check with your current insurer, in your policy, or through Roy-data.

    3. Step 3

      Choose the right coverage

      Select the coverage level that works best for you: WA (third-party), WA beperkt casco, or all risk insurance. Each offers a different level of protection, so choose based on your car’s value and your driving habits.

    4. Step 4

      Estimate your annual mileage

      Enter the number of kilometers you drive in a year. It doesn’t have to be exact; a well-reasoned estimate will do.

    5. Step 5

      Compare and sign up instantly

      The comparison tool now shows you the best car insurance options. Compare premiums, policy details, and coverage, and then select the one that suits you best. You can finalize your choice and sign up directly through the tool.

    Our expert explains

    How to calculate your annual mileage

    “Not sure how many kilometers you drive in a year? You can calculate this by multiplying the number of kilometers you typically drive in a week by 52. Be sure to add any extra trips to the total amount, like holidays or weekend getaways, to get a more accurate estimate.”


    Expert car insurance

    Expert autoverzekering Jerry Poel
    Snel antwoord

    Frequently asked questions

    Gecontroleerd door
    Jerry Poel Expert autoverzekeringen
    Jerry Poel
    Expert autoverzekeringen
    Laatste update
    Over onze expert
    Sinds 2017 is Jerry Poel expert bij Met zijn jarenlange ervaring op het gebied van verzekeringen weet hij als geen ander hoe de autoverzekeringsmarkt in elkaar zit. Hij zorgt ervoor dat jij de beste deals vindt in onze vergelijker en makkelijk kan overstappen naar een andere autoverzekering. Als veelgevraagd expert in de media geeft hij bovendien handig advies aan automobilisten wat betreft hun autoverzekering. Zijn advies wordt vaak overgenomen in de pers, waaronder en De Telegraaf. klantenserviceteam

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