Compare energy

Are you looking for the best energy deal? is here to help you! Fill in your information and find your best deal!

Tijdelijke financiële steun voor je energierekening door een ongeval of onvrijwillige werkloosheid.
Compare energy suppliers
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Save up to € 700,- per year

Energy comparison in 2025

By comparing energy, you can save up to € 700,- per year on your energy costs. Check the comparator for the offers and switch within minutes. Energy prices have risen significantly recently, and further increases are possible during the colder months. Now is the ideal time to switch providers and take advantage of a fixed-rate contract with low tariffs. Our energy comparison tool helps you find the best contract for your household. Do you need help? Give us a call and we will assist you during the process!

If you have questions regarding the energy prices and what to do in your situation, please contact us through our customer support. Read more about the energy prices in the Netherlands and the energy suppliers in the Netherlands.

compare energy

Why compare energy in the Netherlands?

You just moved here

Did you just move here and do not have an energy contract yet? At this moment there are many energy suppliers active in The Netherlands and licenced to offer gas and electricity. With so many suppliers to choose from it can be difficult to find the best deal for you personal situation. That is why is here to help you find the best deal. We give you a clear overview of all the options that match with your situation. Out of these options you can choose the one that you think fits you the most. Use our tool for free, we don’t want you to pay too much.

Your situation changes

Already have an energy contract in the Netherlands? Every year your personal situation and preferences change. In addition, energy prices change throughout the year as well. If you want to find the best energy deal that fits your situation the most, it is important to check the energy prices every year to see if you still have the best deal.

Save up to € 700,- a year

Already have an energy contract? The second reason to switch is because you can save a lot of money. This is because every year energy suppliers have a big welcome discount for new customers. So when you switch every year, you benefit from these discounts. The financial benefit can be as high as hundreds of euros a year so it is definitely worth it!

Compare energy in 3 simple steps

With these 3 easy steps you can compare energy suppliers in just a few minutes.  Do you need help? Give us a call and we will assist you during the process!

  1. Step 1

    Fill in your information

    Check in a few minutes your personal energy deals. Grab your annual energy report for a suitable offer. If you don’t know your energy usage, our tool will estimate this for you.

  2. Step 2

    Compare energy suppliers

    You will see in one simple overview all the options for you. You will see the cheapest one, the most sustainable one ect. What do you think is the most important? You can make your one decision. You can also give your preferences in the filter option.

  3. Step 3

    Switch energy supplier, relax and save money

    Choose your preferred supplier and switch. We will send a request to your new energy supplier. Your old supplier will then end your current contract. During the switch you will of course keep receiving gas and electricity.

Compare energy and save up € 700,- per year

  • Energy expert for 14 years!
  • Most comprehensive offering
  • Easy an trustworthy

Advice from our Energy Expert Tom

‘The gas price has been fluctuating for months. If you’re considering switching to a fixed contract, now might be a good time to do so. A 1-year contract offers certainty for one year, while a 3-year contract provides longer-term security, often with lower discounts. Keep in mind that with a fixed contract, you won’t immediately benefit from falling prices.

A dynamic contract moves with the market and is a good option if you want to be flexible. I currently recommend variable contracts less because they offer little certainty and you don’t benefit enough from market movements.

Do you have solar panels? Then a fixed contract is advisable due to the net metering regulation that applies until 2027. Because of unclear regulations around dynamic contracts and net metering, we do not recommend these for solar panel owners. For customers with solar panels, our comparator takes into account the feed-in costs, which you will see as an additional price component in the rates, and the costs are included in the net annual price.’

Tom Schlagwein,
Energy Expert

Energie expert Tom Schlagwein

We compare the following energy suppliers

We compare a large part of the energy suppliers in the Netherlands. Our energy comparison tool is free. Do you switch via us? Then we receive a small commission from the energy supplier.

Questions about energy comparison

Common questions and answers about comparing energy. Do you have more questions about comparing energy in the Netherlands? Give us a call.

Document met vergrootglas

Compare energy with solar panels

Do you have solar panels? Then comparing energy providers works a bit differently. Energy providers have a different offer for households with solar panels, because you generate your own electricity. Often, you use the electricity yourself in your household, but you can’t always use it all. The electricity you don’t use is automatically fed back into the power grid. You can offset the returned kWh on your energy bill. The provider then settles the energy you have taken from them with the energy you have fed back into the grid. And if you feed back more than you consume, you will receive a feed-in tariff for that. For feeding electricity back into the grid, a large number of providers charge feed-in fees.

In our tool, we have included all these price components. The only thing we ask from you is your expected electricity generation. How many kWh do you expect to generate this year? If you don’t know, we will estimate it based on the number of solar panels. You can still use our energy comparer!

In our comparison tool, you only need to look at the net annual price. We have already included all the components for you. This makes comparing energy a bit easier for you. Still have questions? Our customer service is happy to help.

Fixed, variable or dynamic

Different energy contracts in the Netherlands

When comparing energy options, you can choose between three types of energy contracts: fixed, variable, or dynamic. Each type of contract has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can compare all these contracts in our energy comparer.

Our final tip..

compare energy every year

To make sure you pay as little as possible, the best thing to do is to switch energy suppliers every year. This allows you to benefit from the welcome discount every time and you will never pay too much. So, what are you waiting for? Compare energy suppliers and find your best deal!


Comparing energy pays off

Energie expert

Energy expert for 14 years!

For 14 years, we’ve been the experts in the field of energy. With our extensive experience and knowledge, we provide you with the best information and advice.

Document met vergrootglas

Most comprehensive offering

Compare over 20 different energy suppliers and more than 55 contracts. We offer the largest selection in the Dutch energy comparison market.


Easy an trustworthy

We’re always here for you – before, during, and after the switch. That’s why we’re rated an average of 9. Over 1 million switchers have gone before you.

Snel antwoord

Frequently Asked Questions

We make comparing energy as simple as possible. However, questions often arise before, during, and after the comparison process. We understand that! Below, we answer the most frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t listed here, our customer service is always ready to assist you.


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Gecontroleerd door
Tom Schlagwein Energie-expert
Tom Schlagwein
Laatste update
Over onze expert
Sinds 2019 is Tom Schlagwein expert bij Eerst als tarievenspecialist en sindsdien heeft hij zich ontwikkeld tot dé energie-expert van Hij voorziet Overstappers van onafhankelijk advies voor hun energiecontract en houd je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in de energiemarkt. Tom wordt geregeld vermeld in de pers, waaronder De Telegraaf en Metro en is ook op tv geweest bij programma’s zoals Kassa. Daarnaast presenteert Tom ons Energiejournaal waarin hij uitleg geeft over de huidige situatie op de energiemarkt. klantenserviceteam

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